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Advancing literacy: A review of LIFE 2006-2009: Literacy Initiative for Empowerment
2009. Hambourg, Allemagne, Institut de l'UNESCO pour l'apprentissage tout au long de la vie. 63 p.
L’Initiative pour l’alphabétisation : savoir pour pouvoir (LIFE, 2006-2015) est l’une des trois initiatives phares de l’UNESCO qui visent à éradiquer l’analphabétisme, à faire avancer la cause de l’Education pour tous et à atteindre les objectifs de la Décennie des Nations Unies pour l’alphabétisation (DNUA, 2003-2012).
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Consultation d'experts sur une définition opérationnelle de l'éducation de base, 17-18 décembre 2007 : conclusions
2009. Paris, UNESCO. 34 p. Bilingue.
La Consultation d’experts sur une définition opérationnelle de l’éducation de base, organisée les 17-18 décembre 2007 au siège de l’UNESCO, a réuni d’éminents experts venant de différentes régions afin d’élaborer une définition de l’éducation de base, dont la version finale est présentée dans cette brochure.
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Décennie des Nations Unies pour l'alphabétisation : cadre d'action stratégique international
Septembre 2009. Paris, UNESCO. 51 p.
En février 2003, l‘Assemblée générale des Nations Unies lançait officiellement la Décennie des Nations Unies pour l'alphabétisation (DNUA, 2003-2012). La promotion de l'alphabétisation dans le monde se poursuivra assurément bien au-delà de la fin de la Décennie, aussi ce cadre d'action stratégique international devrait-il guider l'action, la coopération et les partenariats en faveur de l'alphabétisation à plus long terme.
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Programme pour l'éducation de base en Afrique (BEAP) : répondre aux exigences en matière d'accès, de qualité et d'équité
2009. Genève, UNESCO-BIE ; Dakar, UNESCO-BREDA. 54 p. Bilingue.
Ce document d’orientation présente l’origine, les objectifs, les fondements philosophiques, les modalités de fonctionnement de ce Programme, ainsi que la vaste panoplie de composantes qu’il est censé aborder (développement curriculaire, formation des enseignants, amélioration de l’environnement scolaire…).
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Prix UNESCO de l'éducation pour la paix, 2008
2009. Paris, UNESCO. 62 p.
Le Prix UNESCO de l’éducation pour la paix 2008 a été décerné à l’Institut pour la justice et la réconciliation (Afrique du Sud) par M. Koïchiro Matsuura, Directeur général de l’UNESCO, sur recommandation du jury international du Prix. L’Institut pour la justice et la réconciliation (IJR) a été créé dans le but de promouvoir la réconciliation, la justice transitionnelle et la construction démocratique des nations en Afrique au moyen de recherches, d’analyses et d’interventions sélectives.
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Promoting participation: community contributions to education in conflict situations
Brannelly, L. et Sullivan Owomoyela, J. 2009. Paris, UNESCO-IIPE; Reading, UK, CfBT Education Trust. 159 p. (Série « Education in emergencies and reconstruction »)
Les communautés sont souvent parmi les premières à agir pour proposer une éducation, cette dernière pouvant s’avérer très profitable et permettre de créer des partenariats avec les gouvernements là où les conflits se sont apaisés. La présente recherche explore le rôle que jouent les communautés à la fois dans un contexte d’urgence et de reconstruction.
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Investing in cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue
2009. Paris, UNESCO. 402 p.
Soulignant l'importance de la diversité culturelle dans différents domaines (langues, éducation, communication, développement des nouveaux médias…) et se fondant sur les données recueillies et des exemples provenant du monde entier, ce rapport s’adresse tant au grand public qu’aux officiels et aux organes gouvernementaux..
Manuel de l’éducation au service de la durabilité
UNESCO Etxea, Centro UNESCO PaÃs Vasco, Fundación Iberdrola. Octobre 2009. Loiu, Espagne. 18 cartes dans classeur + 1 CD-ROM. Multilingue.
Ce manuel se conçoit comme un outil flexible et multi-usage destiné à toute personne impliquée dans l’éducation, que ce soit au sein du système éducatif ou dans des cadres moins formels. Il se propose d’être un outil servant la promotion d’une participation responsable au développement durable.
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Feeling the Heat: Child survival in a changing climate
2009. Londres, Royaume-Uni, Save the Children. 29 p.
Le changement climatique n'est plus un scénario éloigné et futuriste, mais une menace immédiate. Il représente le plus grand danger au monde en termes de santé pour les enfants au 21e siècle. Ce rapport examine comment le changement climatique contribue à rendre les enfants vulnérables et identifie des mesures pour contrer ce phénomène.
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Confronting the shadow education system: What government policies for what private tutoring?
Bray, M. 2009. Paris, UNESCO-IIPE. 132 p. (Série « IIEP Policy forum »)
Ce livre commence par enquêter sur l'ampleur, la nature et les implications du système éducatif parallèle. Il encourage ensuite une approche proactive à travers laquelle les gouvernements déterminent les types de tutorat qu’ils jugent souhaitables et ceux qui leur semblent problématiques, afin d’élaborer ensuite les politiques appropriées.
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Manual for monitoring and evaluating education partnerships
Marriott, N. et Goyder, H. 2009. Paris, UNESCO- IIPE. 114 p.
Si les ouvrages qui décrivent comment établir et maintenir des partenariats en éducation sont nombreux, les textes de référence sur le suivi et l’évaluation manquent. Ce manuel cherche à combler ce vide en donnant, étape par étape, des conseils et des exemples issus de divers pays.
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Six steps to abolishing primary school fees: Operational guide
Banque mondiale, UNICEF. 2009. Washington, Banque mondiale. 128 p.
Cette publication décrit les six étapes de la planification et de la mise en œuvre des politiques de suppression des frais de scolarité. Elle comprend également une annexe sur les stratégies combinées visant à atteindre les plus vulnérables.
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Investing in every child: An economic study of the costs and benefits of eliminating child labor
International Labor Organization, 2004
The ILO estimates that one in every eight children worldwide is exposed to the worst forms of child labor, which endangers their physical, mental or moral well-being. This study compares costs and benefits of eliminating child labor with the aim of understanding the economic implications of international normative commitments. The document concludes that the benefits will be nearly seven times greater than the costs, or an estimated US$5.1 trillion, in the developing and transitional economies, where most child laborers are found. Replacing child labor with universal education by the year 2020, will cost an estimated US$760 billion.
Abolishing Slavery and its Contemporary Forms
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, 2003, 62 pages
This study summarizes the core international law against slavery: its origins and the progress of the international campaign to abolish the slave trade and slavery, the legal instruments and institutions that have been estalished to combat slavery, the evolving definition of slavery, contemporary forms of slavery, and other related practices. It then focuses briefly on serfdom, forced labour, debt bondage, migrant workers, trafficking in persons, prostitution, forced marriage, the sale of wives and other issues, before discussing international monitoring mechanisms. The review ends with tentative conclusions and recommendations.
Migration and International Legal Norms
International Organization for Migration, 2003, 353 pages
This study explores norms on State authority to regulate migration, freedom of movement, forced migration, human rights, family unification, trafficking and smuggling of migrants, national security, rescue at sea, health, development, integration and nationality. It shows that despite the absence of a comprehensive legal instrument governing international migration, there is a wide range of legal provisions relevant to migration embodied in multilateral treaties and conventions, regional agreements and customary international law.
Protection Schemes for Victims of Trafficking in Selected EU Member Countries, Candidate and Third Countries
International Organization for Migration, 2003, 102 pages
The overall project has contributed to raise awareness regarding the policy and operational approaches of protection schemes among officials involved in combating trafficking as well as those serving this target population; to improve the level of expertise of participants on assistance to and protection of victims of trafficking; to strengthen and extend cooperation and exchange of information on good practices; to devise and disseminate durable solutions and recommendations regarding the protection of and assistance to victims of trafficking in human beings.
The State of Migration Management in CentraL America: An Applied Research
International Organization for Migration, 2003, 90 pages
Assessment of the current state of migration administration in the Central American countries. It provides both national authorities and regional entities in charge of coordinating migration policies with relevant information to facilitate the formulation of effective programs to strengthen and bring Central American Migration Agencies up to date.
Elusive Protection, Uncertain Lands: Migrants' Access to Human Rights
International Organization for Migration, 2003, 62 pages
This study focuses on the particular vulnerability of migrants to human rights abuses, and the need to strengthen the recognition and protection of their human rights in international law and State practice. It argues that States have an ethical duty and would also be acting in their own interest in defending migrants' rights through both individual and collective action. The protection of migrants' human rights is presented as an essential interlocking element in a sustainable global system of orderly migration. Building on the nexus between human rights protection and migration management, the study makes a strong plea for coalition building between human rights groups and migrant-serving associations. It also explains howdevelopments in the wake of the September 11 attacks have emphasized the importance of such coalitions.
The Migration Development Nexus
International Organization for Migration, 2003, 323 pages
Apart from a state-of-the-art overview of current thinking and available evidence, this book focuses on migration trends and policy migration management instruments, the role of returnm migration, remittances and other financial flows to developing countries, livelihoods in conflict situations and the influence of aid and relief on migration patterns. Three country case studies look at the relationship between migration and development in Afghanistan, Somalia and Sri Lanka.
Irregular Migration in Turkey
International Organization for Migration, 2003, 104 pages
Increasingly a destination country for labor migration, but most notably a transit area for irregular migration towards western Europe, Turkey has been obliged to step up its measures against irregular forms of migration, in cooperation with the European Union. This report is based on interviews with migrants, migration officials as well as traffickers and provides useful insights into the origins and motivations of transit migrants and their intentions for further migration.
Bordering on Control: A Comparison of Measures to Combat Irregular Migration in North America and Europe
International Organization for Migration, 2003, 108 pages
This volume reviews the cost-effectiveness of both external and internal migration-control instruments in selected countries – the US, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK. Arguing that if countries targeted by irregular migration flows were to foster trade, investment and aid in the countries of origin, migration pressures could be expected to gradually decline, the text recognizes that there are no easy ways to narrow the gap between migration management objectives and the actual results achieved. It concludes that the key to success posts the setting of realistic goals, coordinated migration management within and across countries and the continuing monitoring and revision of appropriate policy instruments.
Adult Wars, Child Soldiers – Voices of Children Involved in Armed Conflict in the East Asia and Pacific Region
UNICEF, 2003, 80 pages
In this report, current and former child soldiers express their ideas, thoughts, feelings and fears. Through the voices of child soldiers we learn how children are drafted into war, about their experiences as soldiers and how they cope in their post war lives. The fate of children caught in the crossfire of adult war is also examined.
Continent of Mothers, Continent of Hope – Understanding and Promoting Development in Africa Today
UNICEF, 2003, 256 pages
Cutting through the Western media's stereotype picture of Africa as a continent wracked only by civil conflict and AIDS, the text presents a continent in change. It describes the social health and other problems experienced by its people, but also the sources of hope for the future represented by corageous individuals, community-level projects, and programs being implented in the region.
Children in Institutions: The Beginning of the End?
UNICEF, 2003, 120 pages
This publication highlights examples of policies and programs in selected European and Latin American countries (Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Italy and Spain) designed to reinstate children placed in prtective residential care with their family and community.
Poverty and Exclusion Among Urban Children
UNICEF, 2003, 32 pages
This report addresses the reality of millions of poor children living in urban cities worldwide. It highlights the chronic poverty and m,arginalisation they face, many of them living in conditions of no secure housing, no access to health services and no opportunities for education.